JAG Alaska Inc., Seward Shipyard Completes Tustumena Overhaul
Six-Month overhaul of AMHS ferry MV Tustumena completed at the JAG Alaska Inc., Seward Shipyard facility in Seward, Alaska
The $9.5 million dollar overhaul of the MV Tustumena, an Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) ferry commenced at the JAG Alaska Inc., Seward Shipyard facility in January of this year. On July 13, work on the 296-foot vessel was completed, totaling over 35000 man-hours. The more than 90 work items completed over the course of the overhaul included roughly 150,000 tons of steel replacement with the added federal regulation based on project funding that the steel be American made. Regulations and global supply chain issues, shipping and receiving of highly specific materials, posed challenges for the shipyard which was, ultimately able to deliver the project within the initially published timeline for the project.
Other recent marine repair projects at the Seward Shipyard
JAG Alaska Inc., Seward Shipyard recently completed a nearly $11 million dollar US NAVY contract to overhaul the USNS Grasp, a rescue and salvage ship. As a GSA registered small business set aside vendor, JAG Alaska was able to compete for this contract. The announcement that the Seward Shipyard was awarded the contract was made in November of 2021 and the overhaul began in early January of 2022, wrapping up in early March.

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