Robert Davis
US Navy 4956 Nuclear Power Plant & Components Welder
Fabrication and repair of Navy Nuclear and Non-Nuclear propulsion and piping systems worldwide.
DCTT (Damage Control Training Team) Leader. Responsible for all at sea fire and flooding training.
Local 631/26/32/598 Plumbing and Pipefitters Union, Pipe Welder – Washington State
Steam Fitter & Pipe Welder at Hanford
– for Nuclear Refueling, Weyerhaeuser for Boiler Tube sheet replacement and multiple outages at Coal Fired and Natural Gas power plants.
Bering Industrial – Industrial Contractor Washington & Alaska, Pipe Welder, Fitter
Installation or rebuilding of piping systems; Fuel Storage & Delivery, Under Pier Piping, Under Bridge Piping and at the Lower Monumental Dam for the US Army Corp of Engineers installation of a piping and air compressor system for their Removable Spillway Weir.
Certified Welding Inspector and Quality Assurance Inspector at Vigor Marine
Responsible for all Welder Qualifications, Certifications and Continuity Updates for over 300 people to various codes depending on the Classification Society involved; ABS, DNV, AWS, ASME or NAVSEA
Responsible for Weld Inspections, Procedural Compliance and In Process reports.
Welding Instructor / Trainer
– for the employees who wanted to better themselves attending night classes.
Responsible for creating new Welding Procedures with NAVSEA approval and acceptance.
Project specific Quality Assurance Manager
Vigor Marine Seattle on the Shell Oil Rig, Kulluk
Quality Assurance Manager
Responsible for all welding inspections, Hydro testing, Load Tests, Material Certs, Weld Maps and the Test and Inspection Plan for DNV and Shell Oil.
Document Control Officer – responsible for tracking all RFI’s, CFR’s and Drawing Releases/Revisions.
Consulting – Welding Program/Welding Inspection/Quality Assurance
Assisted Wilson’s Welding Services to update their existing welding program into a more modern, streamlined and efficient program that is accurate, auditable and easy to maintain.
Assisted Wilson’s Welding Services in the creation of Documentation and Inspection Records to meet the very stringent requirements of LA County, California. Also assisted as an AWS CWI.
Assisted Cellxion to update their existing welding program into a more modern, streamlined and efficient program that is accurate, auditable and easy to maintain.