Rick Weaver
GENERAL MANAGERPrevious Experience:
USN 4956 Nuclear Power plant Components Welder
Graduated top of class US Navy 4956 Nuclear Power Plant Components Welding School San Diego CA
Fabrication and repair of Nuclear systems on submarines and surface Nuclear powered vessels.
Personally have held NAVSEA certifications (nuke and non-nuke) in all welding processes and base materials.
Repair of Navy surface attack vessels at Naval Station San Diego and Naval Base Coronado.
Nuclear Power Plant components welder aboard Nuclear Submarine repair vessels USS Proteus AS-19 and USS Holland AS-32 stationed in Guam, performing extensive repairs on nuclear powered fast attack submarines.
Local 302 Operating Engineers
Heavy equipment operator and mobile welding and fabrication/repair of associated equipment.
Lead welder/fabricator completing repairs and maintenance of six asphalt plants and seven rock crushing facilities in Western Washington.
Lead Superintendent Vigor Marine Bremerton WA
Vast experience with NAVSEA processes and procedures involving availabilities on USN Aircraft carriers and Navy vessels on the West coast.
USS Nimitz CVN-68
USS Stennis CVN-74
USS Abraham Lincoln CVN-72
USS Ronald Reagan CVN-76
USS Germantown LSD-42
USS Kaiser T-AO-187
USS Emory S Land AS-39
Lead Superintendent on 11 month project on SHELL upgrade of KULLUK drill rig Vigor Marine Seattle
Market manager for the PNW to upgrade 272 sites for Sprint 4G Network Vision project.
Market manager Rocky Mountain region upgrading 210 sites for Sprint 4G Network Vision.
Market manager CA, OR and WA in support of Sprints 2.5 upgrades.
Managed backup generator installs for ATC.